公司介绍 – Unifive Technolgy Co., Ltd.
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Unifive Technolgy Co., Ltd.
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  Unifive specialized in Switching Power Supply. Our company had set up since 1989 in Tokyo, nowadays as a well-known ac adapter supplier; we are offering high quality - Unifive Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 1898. We specialize in switching power supply and manufacturing all kinds of ac dc adapters, ac dc chargers, and power switches. As a well-known adapter supplier, we offer high quality power supply products and the best services around the world. Our top consideration is environmental protection; therefore, all of our ac dc adapters are designed for low-environment contamination to provide customers the safer and more durable charger products. To get more information about our ac dc adapters and open frames, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be glad to serve you.
  electronic ( electrical) components ( parts) supplies- (1) switching power supply, AC DC power supply, AC DC switching power supplies, switching mode power supply (2) AC DC adapters, AC adapters, open frame power supply, AC DC adapter, electric adapters, power adaptor, ac-dc wall adaptors, power plug adapters, phone & telephone adapters, digital camera adapters, universal adapter,
公司名称:  Unifive Technolgy Co., Ltd.
连络:  联络我们
网址:  ********
电话:  886-4-25230886
传真:  886-4-25230913
国家:  台湾
住址:  4F., No.269, Siangyang Rd., Fongyuan City, Taichung County 420, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
1. 6W LED Power Supplies
2. AC Pin Interchangeable AC/DC Adaptors 10W Series
3. DC/DC Car Adaptors 10W Series
4. DECT Telephone &Amp;Amp; VOIP AC/DC Adaptor 18W Series Wall Mount
5. I.T.E AC/DC Adaptor 45W Series Desktop
6. I.T.E AC/DC Adaptor 5W Series Wall Mount
7. Open Frame Switching Power Supplies 18W Series
8. UL105/UL305 6-12W Series For Portable Switching AC/DC Adaptor
9. US10/US30 12W Series For Portable Switching AC/DC Adaptor
10. USB AC/DC Adaptor 5W Series
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