公司介绍 – Beauticyte Ltd.
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Beauticyte Ltd.
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  Headquartered in Hong Kong, BeautiCyte is a marketing and logistic company dedicated to delivering the finest in personal care products to consumers in Asia Pacific region.
Through our successful partnership, we exclusively
represent some of the leading suppliers in Australia, Canada
France, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and the United States. Our unique business model has enabled our suppliers to extend an unparallel business terms to resellers that were never been possible in the past. Hence, it allows our
resellers to generate an unprecedented level of profit
margin in a way that set up apart from conventional
distribution relationships. Our first-class warehouse
facility is strategically set up to provide responsive and
reliable courier service to our resellers around the
region. BeautiCyte is run by a team of seasoned
professionals with diverse industry experiences and
committed to bringing significant values to our resellers
in their respective marketplace.
  skincare, bath and body care, haircare, sunscreen, frangrance and cologne, and aroma.
公司名称:  Beauticyte Ltd.
连络:  联络我们
网址:  ********
电话:  852-0-2881-0721
传真:  852-0-2881-0731
国家:  香港特别行政区
住址:  Suite 1506, Island Centre, No.1 Great George St., Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
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