公司介绍 – Holy Truth Int'l Corporation
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Holy Truth Int'l Corporation
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  Holy-Truth Int’l Corporation is the premier wellness company dedicated to simplifying your path to healthy living. Scientists, doctors and nutritionists have developed our innovative products with your personal wellness goals in mind. With the backing of Medigreen Biotechnology Corporation, founded in 2002, is focused on the development of Chinese herbal medicine and recently completed the research project launched by Ministry of Economic Affairs in Small Business Innovation Research – the initial-stage exploitation of traditional Chinese Herbal medicine extraction, AT-21, to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. Our vision is to work hard to develop new curative products from natural plants from both western and eastern worlds to improve the quality of human life.

Our newest product, Beauty Life, are packed in bulk, all natural, with nothing artificial added. It incorporates fruit enzymes and selected herbal extracts to further enhance performance. Our diet pills provide a highly sophisticated, well-balanced combination of natural resources of and advanced know-how, and clinically tested.
  herbal, natural, diet, diet pills
公司名称:  Holy Truth Int'l Corporation
连络:  联络我们
网址:  ********
电话:  886-2-27811100
传真:  886-2-27816611
国家:  台湾
住址:  10Fl, 341, Sec. 4, Chung Hsiao E. Rd
1. Beauty Life
2. Beauty Life
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