公司介绍 – Shenzhen JinRuiXin Electronics Co., Ltd.
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Shenzhen JinRuiXin Electronics Co., Ltd.
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  Shenzhen JinRuiXin Electronics Co., Ltd. is a professional supplier specializing in the electronics components. Our broad product portfolio includes:
Capacitor - Ceramic Capacitors(radial multilayer ceramic capacitor, axial multilayer ceramic capacitor and chip multilayer ceramic capacitor), Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors(chip aluminum electrolytic capacitor and radial aluminum electrolytic capacitor),Metallized Film Capacitors( axial metallized polyester film capacitor, polypropylene film capacitor), Tantalum Capacitors(chip tantalum capacitor, wet tantalum capacitors, dipped solid tantalum capacitor), etc.

Resistor - Zinc Oxide Varistor, Carbon Film Fixed resistors, Metal Film Fixed resistors, Fusible Metal Film resistors, Cement Type Resistors, etc.

LEDs - Bicolor LED Lamps, Blinking LED Lamps, Oval Type LED Lamps, Tower Series LED Lamps,SMD LED Lamps, etc.

Diode - Zener Diode, Schottky Barrier Diode, General Purpose Rectifiers, Switching Diode, High Voltage Rectifiers, High Efficiency Rectifiers, etc.

Transistor - Darlington Transistor, General Purpose Transistor, Higt Voltage Transistor, Power Transistor, Switching Transistor, etc.

Business Philosophy
Honesty means: We tell the truth.
We do not brag,also we do not make commitments lightly. However, once we make a commitment, we devote ourselves completely to meeting that commitment. We always believe that our achievements record is the best proof of our merit. With competitors, we compete to our fullest within the limits of the law, but we do not slander them in order to gain benefit for ourselves. With vendors, we maintain an objective, consistent, and impartial attitude. Honest is our compete rule.
We deeply recognize that the semiconductor business has no national boundaries,.Our goal is and always has been the global market. We do not limit ourselves to any specific geographical region.We realize that competitive being in anywhere. In order to improve ourselves we must be competitive in the whole world. Globalization is our ultimate goal.
Long-term Vision and Strategies
An enterprise whose success endures is much like a successful marathon runner, quite different from ashort-distance sprinter. We confirmedly believe that a person or company that does not plan carefully for the future will soon have problems in the present. We believe that if we do a good job of long term planning and execution, we will greatly reduce the need for crisis management. So long-term vision and strategies is our attic faith.
Making Customers as Partners
Since our company was set up, we have made our customers as partners and have never competed against them. This policy is the key to our nowadays success and will be crucial to our continued growth. At JinRuiXin, customers come first. Their success is our success, and we value their ability to compete as we value our own. So making customers as partners is our guideline.
Building Quality into all Aspects of our Business
Highest quality service is our highest aim. Each person in JinRuiXin is responsible for providing the highest quality service. To achieve this, they continuously evaluates and improves the quality of his own work. Our greatest goal is to achieve and maintain complete customer satisfaction.
  capacitor, ceramic capacitors, aluminum electrolytic capacitors, metallized film capacitor, tantalum capacitor, resistor, chip resistor, zinc oxide varistor, diode, light-emitting diode, transistor
公司名称:  Shenzhen JinRuiXin Electronics Co., Ltd.
连络:  联络我们
网址:  ********
电话:  86-755-27869120
传真:  86-755-27869120
国家:  中国
住址:  Futianzone
1. Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor
2. Ceramic Capacitor
3. Chip Resistor
4. Film Capacitor
5. Tantalum Capacitor
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