公司介绍 – Shanghai GoingHobby Co., Ltd.
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Shanghai GoingHobby Co., Ltd.
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  SHANGHAI GOINGHOBBY Co.,Ltd is located at Shanghai Zhangjiang high-tech garden. Ever since its foundation, the company has been focusing on developing and producing high-tech products like micro air vehicles(MAV)sand other relevant electronics.

GOINGHOBBY has a very dedicated team with most of the team members coming from China's top universities like Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics which is extremely famous for its outstanding contributions to China's aeronautic development. Professional, efficient and energetic is the common character that all our young experts have. Furthermore, GOINGHOBBY has obtained national patents on some of our technologies and researches, including the 2.4GHz high-frequency wireless remote control technology and discovery on the ornithopters.

Determination sends us higher! GOINGHOBBY has its task to combine high technology with the finest art. We believe our innovation will give you a new experience during the flight.
  R/C planes, model planes, radio control, flapping wings, bird, ornithoptor
公司名称:  Shanghai GoingHobby Co., Ltd.
连络:  联络我们
网址:  ********
电话:  86-513-83733908
传真:  86-513-83733988
国家:  中国
住址:  zhongshan South road, shanghai
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