Recommended Results |
产品型录 |
共4 笔 产品 |
Before the class:
Edit questions
set answers and scores for each question
During the class:
Instant Assessment: Teachers can conduct presentations with PowerPoint and execute quizzes / polls.
Instant feedback: With audience ...
Bring life to your meeting or class?
Interact with every audience (student)?
Get all audience (students) actively involved?
Leave no one ignored?
Keep interest?
Express everyone fairly?
Understand ...
Bring life to your meeting or class?
Interact with every audience (student)?
Get all audience (students) actively involved?
Leave no one ignored?
Keep interest?
Express everyone fairly?
Understand ...
The ENJOY Audienc Response System is an easy-to-use response system that obtains immediate feedback from every participant (up to 500 people) synchronously.
ENJOY Audienc Response System is a system composed of hardware (instructor ...