公司介绍 – Anji Hongde Medical Products Co., Ltd.
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Anji Hongde Medical Products Co., Ltd.
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  Hongde Medical Products Co., Ltd in Anji is a professional manufacturer of medical dressing products. We mainly roduce the " Hangde" Brand of super strong plaster bandage, medical barrel bandage, medical gypsum liner, and plaster splint. The efforts in providing products of international quality at a national product price in both domestic and international markets have significantly accelerated the upgrade and replacement of traditional plaster bandages and splints. "Hongde" Series of medical products, featured by strength,lightweight,quickcuring,beingbreathable,easyindressing,comfortable,safe,pollution-free,and easy in remove, holds a big market share in both domestic and international markets.
  super-type plaster bandage, super-type plaster bandage(color), plaster bandage bakelite core, plaster splint, medical gypsum liner, tube-shaped medical bandages, medical elastic bandage, high-elastic color rubber bandage, stockinette, gauze bandage
公司名称:  Anji Hongde Medical Products Co., Ltd.
连络:  联络我们
网址:  ********
电话:  86-572-5885286
传真:  86-572-5868289
国家:  中国
住址:  Jingcun Vllage ,Tianghuangping Town,Anji Country,P.R,China
1. Medical Barrel Bandage
2. Medical Elastic Bandage /Elastic Skin-Colored Bandage
3. Medical Padding
4. Plaster Splint
5. Super-Type Plaster Of Paris Bandage(White&Amp;Color)
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