公司介绍 – Jiaxing Jiecheng Machinery Co.,Ltd ( Continuous Casting Machines )
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Jiaxing Jiecheng Machinery Co.,Ltd ( Continuous Casting Machines )
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  Jiaxing Jiecheng Machinery Co.,Ltd is located in the Jiaxing Economic Development Zone in the golden jiaxing Economic Development Zone in the golden triangel formed by Shanghai,Hangzhou and Suzhou.It is close to the ShangHai-Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway, Zha-jia-Su Expressway and the No.320 Nationl Hignway,enjoying great conveninece in terms of traffic Jiecheng is a private owned science and technology enterprise.

We mainly produce the upward oxide-free continuous casting machines, copper rod continuous casting machines, copper rod continuous rolling mills and other wire or cable productiong equipments, The major products include F8-F20 SYJ upward oxide-free copper rod continuous casting units, LGZ-1500/Y aluminum rod continuous casting & rolling mills, F 17-F8Ycopper rod continuous rolling mills, F17-F8Y cpper rod continuous rolling mills as well as other metal shaping equipments.

The upward oxide-free copper rod continuous casting units are capable of product F8,F12.5,F17 and F20oxide-free copper rods. The operation of the rods is excellent with esthetic winding of the coils that are well received by the customers.

The copper rod cold rolling mill F17-F8 can have either 2-roller frame or 3-roller frame. With a pleasant outlook equipment operates in stabilized way ,turning out products in exclility.
  Casting Machine, Cast Machine, Rolling Machine, Continuous Casting Machines
公司名称:  Jiaxing Jiecheng Machinery Co.,Ltd ( Continuous Casting Machines )
连络:  联络我们
网址:  ********
电话:  86-573-82227695
传真:  86-573-82226552
国家:  中国
住址:  Tanghui Industrial Park, Jiaxing Economic Development Zone
1. Large Wire Drawing And Annealing Machine
2. Upward Copper Flats Casting Machine
3. Upward Copper Rod Cast Machine
4. Upward Copper Rod Cast Machine
5. Upward Copper Wire Casting Machine
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