公司介绍 – yantai tibright welding materials
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yantai tibright welding materials
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  Our company was established in March 1996. We specialize in producing, developing and marketing various brazing materials. Our products are of the highest standards due to our specialized technical research and advanced equipment and processing.

We became the first company in the nation to develop a variety of high property welding flux which can be used for many applications and circumstances.

Our products are now widely used over most of China and we now export to such countries as Korea, Japan, and India. We believe our reputation is due to the high quality of our products and our service excellence.
We are a people oriented company and our company policies include, the customer always comes first as well as striving to improve the quality of our service as well as the quality of our product.

We would be only to happy to show you around our company and answer any questions you may have regarding our products
  brazing , brazing material, welding , flux
公司名称:  yantai tibright welding materials
连络:  联络我们
网址:  ********
电话:  86-535-6803093
传真:  86-535-6849709
国家:  中国
住址:  AddNo. 188, Xingfu Middle Road, Yantai City, Shandong Province, China
1. Silver Brazing Flux Paste
2. Silver Brazing Flux Paste
3. Silver Brazing Flux Powder
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